$10,000 In Cash And Prizes!!!
The 10 Annual Best Of The West Calling Championship has lined out to have over $10,000 in cash prizes and awards! Browning, who has been a Gold Sponsor since the inception of this event, has come forward with a Browning Silver and the new Browning Maxus, two TOP-SHELF prizes no doubt. Mojo Outdoors has also come through as a Gold Sponsor, covering the event with $2500 of Mojo Motion. Snyder’s Taxidermy, providing two Gift Certificates that will cover taxidermy for 1 Duck, and 1 Goose. Camp Chef has been a long time partner, covering the event with there quality outdoor gear, making sure that title spots will go home with a little flavor, compliments of the Chef. GoalZero is our newest sponsor to the arena, covering us with Nomad7’s, a tricked out piece of technology that will keep you charged in the back country. Legendary Butch Richenback of RNT Calls has put together a one-of-a-kind call, engraved with the title 10th Annual Best Of The West, sure to be a piece of history. Sportsman’s Warehouse is also a Product Sponsor, providing $100 Gift Certificates for the event.
I Am looking forward to this years Presenting Sponsor and Show Host, Gary Winterton of Hooked On Utah. Gary has proven to be very entertaining, given a crowd and a microphone. Gary’s camera man will be grabbing every piece of the action as he will be spotlighting the Best Of The West event in weeks to come on KSL, Sportman Channel and WFN. More to come!